Restored Colonial Home in Merida Centro Santa Ana, by Gabriela Cornelio Architect. Great view from the patio

Home in Merida Centro in Colonial style built with local materials from Yucatan

Mezanine inside bedroom in Hacienda Style restored home in Santa Ana in Merida Centro in Yucatan. Restored and built by architect Gabriela Cornelio

Restored Colonial Home in Merida Centro Santa Ana, by Gabriela Cornelio Architect. Great view from the patio
Casona Sirenas is an Old Colonial Home that was originally built in 1905. The first owner was an immigrant from Spain who was living in Mexico with his wife, they own several homes in Mexico and this house was built as his residence with his wife. They did not have any children and this beautiful house was give to their servant when they both die.
The house was kept for the descendants of his servant and when they decide to sell it it was acquired by the actual owner in 2017 and restored by Architect Gabriela Cornelio returning the brightness of the one it enjoy in its creation
The Entrance Hall it used to be design as an old parking for the carriages. The door present a design what is called "Zaguan", This is a design of door that opens wide to let a car enter but when it is closed you have a small door inside one of the big doors . So, you don't have to keep opening over and over the big doors.
If you were wandering why is this big space at the entrance, this is the reason why. It was design since the begging of its creation and also the Pasta tiles where place with the border to indicate that both areas divided by the arch belongs to the same space.
Casona Sirenas is full of History. We just talk about the entrance of it, and not even about all details that this space has, be prepared for a very long description of one of the best Colonial Home restoration in Merida Centro Colonial Home.
Entering the House in the left side we have the Studio.
The original door where kept and restored painted in green. The floor were in great condition and we did polish them after the work door in the room. We did have the same problem of the wall in angle so we worked it out by having this niches decorating the wall. Having them will makes you forget that wall has no the same thickness. But also it is to be able to cut down the budget .
The owner loves pieces from all over Mexico and this was a great place to display all of his pieces.
Studio in Casona Sirenas it is directly connected to the Conference Room. This Room is equipped with connection for media.