Permits to Build in Yucatan
Yucatan has a very strict permitting rule to regulate the order in the constructions of the State and achieve the look that has made us one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico.
This is all for a Project of a Private Single House or small Business
In general it is divided into four different types of permits that you have to obtain depending on the area where you want to build: in Merida Centro, on The Beach, in another off Merida Centro or in the Interior of Yucatan as are other municipalities of the State. It is as well to consider if is a Business or in a Heritage Zone. Your construction is located in one of these areas and you only have to classify which one it belongs to know what permissions you have to comply with.
It is also important to check with the authorities to which the area in which you want to build belongs, the topicality of the requirements, since not all "official" information pages are up to date and change without prior notice or update of your information.
Permits to Build in Merida Historic Center
Once you obtain permission from INAH you can proceed to apply for the City Council Permit, since this is the main requirement to obtain the City of Merida City Council permit. Although obtaining the permission of the INAH is approximately 80 percent guarantee of not having any problem with obtaining the City Council permit, it is very important that you do not take this 20 percent reluctant for granted and start to build, since you will obtain a fine for Start without having the corresponding final permission.
So, we have to be able to build a Single Family House in the Center of Merida we have to obtain
NOTE: If the Architectural Project is different from a Single Family House, it is necessary to obtain a third permit, which is the Land Use Permit (Permiso de Uso de Suelo)
Permits to build at THE BEACH
Building on Yucatan Beach works the same as Construction in Merida Centro.
Construction in the Merida Center is governed by two main construction permits and an additional permit if it is a business
The same happens in Yucatan Beach and the equivalent figure to INAH in the Beach is SEDUMA, which is the Secretary of Urban Development and Environment.
SEDUMA also divides the Yucatan Coastal Zone, this division is not as clearly limited as in the Merida Center. For this reason, the first thing we must do to build in Yucatan Beach is to request an Urban Urban Feasibility (FUA), which is an opinion issued by the Secretary of Urban Development and Environment and determines that a work or activity is compatible with Land Use of the area where it is intended to be carried out.
It can be requested by any natural or moral person, with a letter addressed to the head of the Institution with the regulatory documentation and the payment thereof.
It is highly recommended to obtain this document from before purchasing the property where you intend to build. The procedure takes approximately 15 business days and the cost is very economical.
Once this first document has been obtained, the Environmental Impact Permit is requested, complying with the aforementioned.
To request the Environmental Impact permit, it is necessary to present a study carried out by the Biologist in which, among other things, indicate the name of the owner of the Property, responsible for the Construction Site and the person responsible for the Environmental Project.
Once you obtain the Environmental Impact permit you can proceed to request the Construction Permit from the City Council corresponding to the Municipality that belongs to the Property.
So, to build a single-family house in Yucatan Beach, we have to obtain. Please consult with your specialist if apply where you want to build:
Environmental Impact Permit
NOTE: If the Architectural Project is different from a Single Family House, it is necessary to obtain a third permit, which is the Land Use Permit (Permiso de Uso de Suelo)
Permits to build in Merida OUT of the Historic Center and Historical Heritage
Building outside the Historic Center of the City of Merida Yucatan and the Coastal Zone of Yucatan is much simpler. The permit is requested directly at the City Council of the city of Merida at the Directorate of Urban Development and it is not necessary to present any other Building Permit prior to it. However, this only applies in the case of a Single Family House since if it is a Business, the Land Use Permit must be requested.
The procedure is carried out before the Urban Development Department of Merida.
Permits to Build in the Interior of Yucatan
(Considering in NOT Historical Heritage)
The procedure is carried out in the same way as the Construction Permit OUT of the Historical Center and Historical Heritage and the procedure is carried out in the City Hall corresponding to the Municipality to which your property belongs.
Permits to Build in a Historical Heritage Zone
This procedure is done in the same way as if your property were in the Historic Center of the City of Merida Yucatan.
There are numerous areas within the Great City that is Merida, which are cataloged within the Historical Heritage and that are not within the Perimeter confined by the INAH as the Historic Center of the City of Merida Yucatan, many times it is by Colonial History of Yucatan and others for being archaeological remains of our Mayas.
Construction Permits for Business
The Construction Permit for Business depends on the type of Business and you must always request a FACTIBILITY of Land Use from the moment you want to Rent or Buy a Property for Business.
When you obtain the Feasibility of Land Use, you know what you have to accomplish with your Architectural Project, therefore there is less chance of it being rejected since the Architectural Design will be in accordance with the indicated guidelines.
The procedure is carried out before the Urban Development Department of Merida.
Construction Permits for Business in Historic Center and Heritage Zone
Construction Permits for Business on the Beach in Yucatan
The environmental Permit